Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monotonous Life...

It's been 3 weeks since my college reopened and can still be considered OK. I am leading a very boring and monotonous life for now. It's like doing the same stuff everyday over and over again. Despite all that, I still manage to go out and hang out with my friends for lunch, shopping and movies, but not as often as before. I don't know why that I have this feeling that my life is changing, not for the better, but for the worst. Lets hope that my premonition is not going to come true.

UCSI is still renovating and making us very inconvenient to walk up the hill to our classes. I hope the renovation better be worth it and make our life better instead of more complicated for all the suffering of walking up the hill.

Oh well, I am out of things to say. Lets just wait till I get my colorful life back and I'll have more things to blab about. So, that's all for now. Adios...

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