A large convocation were held in the main hall of UKM Bangi Campus last two Sunday (10th August 2008) and the whole place were crowded with people and we could hardly find a parking space for our car. We were there because my sister, Aw Siew Yee was one of the hundreds or maybe thousands of graduating students. The whole convocation took 5 days, 9th to 13th of August 2008. Imagine how many students were graduating. I was wondering whether all of them could find a job, since I had already remain jobless for a year. Well, lets get back to the topic. The whole thing ended around 5pm, and we took some photos with my sister. My 2nd and 3rd uncle and their families were there too. Below are the photos.

Last Thursday, 14th of August, the great gate of Hell were opened and if you're lucky, you might get to see all or some of the wandering souls from hell. Yes, the yearly Hungry Ghost Festival is here. I'm sure chinese from all over the world is celebrating this. I'm not sure whether celebrating would be the right word but it's a festival and I didn't know what other word to replace it. My family was not exceptional. I don't think I'll have to explain what is Hungry Ghost Festival because I believe everyone knows it. Below are some photos I took when we were at Port Dickson, my uncle's house to 'celebrate'. We do the same thing every year.

I kept on wondering who started this yearly tradition and do all the souls really get the things we burnt. If not, then, what is the point of burning. Global warming is kinda serious nowadays and we still have to burn all these and also helping in air pollution. Like I have said before in my Friendster blog, it's a cyber age now, and why can't they make a software to send or deliver those things to hell or heaven so that we could help save the world.
A very sad thing happened (again) to me. My 17 inch DELL Flat LCD screen monitor just broke down last night and I was wondering what am I gonna do without the monitor. It's like I totally lost connection with the outer world because the Internet connects the whole world. So, I couldn't do anything without the monitor. All I have to do now is wait for it to be fixed. Sometimes I really hate my parents. I told them to take the monitor to be checked or at least ask someone to come and have a look when we noticed some minor problems. The monitor blacked out automatically and started to flick. Now, it had totally black out and not flicking and totally gone dead. After this happened only my parents started to really look at it seriously. Parents nowadays... ish... No wonder there are so many teenagers wanted to run away from home nowadays. This evening, my mum brought back an old, heavy and bulky IBM monitor from her company with a printed sticker written 'STAFF ONLY' on it. The screen is small and looking at it for too long will make my eyes blur. It's really difficult to edit some of my photos because the color wasn't really right. Really miss my DELL monitor although it's just one day. You can see the comparisons in the photos below.

My lovely Flat LCD DELL Monitor on the floor waiting to be taken to repair.
The ugly, heavy and bulky old monitor which doesn't suits my DELL Sets.
That's all I got to say now. The Hungry Ghost Festival is still going on. So, don't go out late at night. Who knows you might get really lucky to bump into some of them. And really hope my monitor will be OK soon. Tata.
Those ghosts all remain back in Malaysia, never follow me here...haha..totally safe about it ! :P
well i'm sure the monitor would get fixed soon...no worries bout it =)
i'm calling 911!!!! someone is trying to burn down the whole street!!!!!
Alex, ghosts are all over the world lah... =.=
Vincent, we din burn down the street lah... only the whole city... hahaha...
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