Yesterday morning, Wednesday, 30th of July 2008, as I was beginning to indulge in the warmth and comfiness of my comforter, my bed and my pillow, I turned to the other side of my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and I could see the sun shone brightly through my curtains. My eyes were still heavy because I slept around 6am in the morning. With blurry vision, I stretch my hand over to the cabinet next to my bed, and my fingers feel and searched for my handphone while my head was still laying softly on the pillow. After I grabbed hold of my phone, I brought it near to my eyes and looked for the time. WHAT THE F***!!! It's already 10.30am, and I should be on the bus to KL. I quickly jumped out of bed, from sleepy mode to total awake mode and sent a message to Sora to tell him I will be late for another hour. We had planned to go back to SEGi College in Subang Jaya the day before to take our documents. Then, I started to get ready and while brushing my teeth, I was thinking of what to wear. I went over to my wardrobe after my shower and choose on what I should wear. While flipping through them, I was mumbling to myself, "should I wear this? Hmm... No... Then this? Nope. This won't do". Suddenly, my consciousness stomped into my head and said, "For crying out loud... Can't you just simply pick one. We're running out of time". Therefore, I picked my favourite white t-shirt that I bought in Singapore's Giordano with a cute little glittering fire cartoon on it written 'I'm On Fire' with a dark blue jeans and a sleeveless black vest. After my costume trouble had been settled, I immediately strolled over for my Gatsby Styling Rubber and started to style my hair and with a final touch, set them on hold with Gatsby Wax Spray. Luckily I'd packed up the things I needed the night before and I am ready to go.
After calling the taxi station, I went out to put on my shoes after locking the doors and right after my shoes were on, the taxi arrived. Within minutes, I was at the bus station, and I quickly jumped into the bus. The journey took only 50 minutes and I waited for Sora at Kota Raya, KL. Not long after, he arrived and we took the bus to Subang. Luckily, we could still make it to have lunch with Alex, a friend of us who is now working in Menara Summit. We went to a new place in Summit Shopping Centre called 'The Penang Asam House' to have our lunch, and I ordered a Vietnam Chicken Rice and Fresh Apple Juice. The food was not bad but the apple juice was very near to tasteless. They added too much water. The prices there are... I wouldn't say cheap but rather say reasonable. We did have a lot of nice and funny conversations with Alex and we really did enjoy the time being with him. He's such a friendly and adorable young man with good manners.
After lunch, Alex had to head back to the office, and Sora and me went straight to SEGi and asked about our documents. Sora did get his but Ms.Kathy asked me to go straight to Mr.Roslan, the head of Faculty of Creative Arts and Design and we called it shortly as FOCAD. When we looked for him, the receptionist in the office told us that Mr.Roslan was having a heavy schedule and was not free to see me. I headed back up to Ms.Kathy and she said she'd try to inform Mr.Roslan for me. Thanks to Ms.Kathy, I already got the documents I needed today. Mr.Roslan sent them to my e-mail. After all that running up and down, I went to look around the place where we (the performing art students) had most of our lessons. The Blackbox. It was kinda empty now. I really missed that place a lot. It reminds me of my coursemates, such as Gabe, Angel, Yee Siang, Kuyet, Zul, Ice, and Terri. We had our ups and downs together, the crazy things we did there, our productions that were done and held there and loads more. Now, they have become one of my sweetest memory. Not only that, the lecturers that brought us up like Mr.Anderson, Ms.Leong, Mr.Tan and Mr.Heng. We learned a lot from them not only about theatre, but also life. While I was about to stepped out of the Blackbox, I looked around for one last time because I know I might not be able to come here again. As I stepped out from there, I looked at the notice board of Performing Arts, and I was so happy to see that our poster was still on it. We had so many posters and notices when we were around, and now it's empty but our poster is still on it. I clearly remember that poster was made by Gabe.
Our poster on the notice board.
Me and Sora stroll around for a few more moments and we walked through one classroom to another. And then, I saw Mr.Daniel Loy having a lecture in a classroom. He is one of the best lecturer in SEGi. I had only one subject under him before but he is indeed a very nice lecturer. I took this outside of the classroom. We could see them outside but they couldn't see us from the inside.
Mr.Daniel is giving lecture. Hush hush....
I had a few subjects taken in this room before. Room 7.1.
I also took a picture of the Gallery where they display the artworks of students. We once used the Gallery for Gabe's final and also her performance. I'd posted about that before in my Friendster Blog. But. I'll just mention it again here. There are two floors for FOCAD, so there are two galleries. They are at 6th and 7th floor. Below is a picture of the gallery at 7th floor.
The Gallery at 7th Floor.
Gabe once turned the Gallery into her stage.
Gabe's performance at the Gallery.
After wandering around the college, we took a bus back to Kota Raya. I went to look for a hairspray that my friend had ask me to buy for him at S&M Plaza. I saw one shop that sell everything about haircare and you could just find any brand or product you want from there. After searching for a while, I finally found it. It stated there RM 13 on the price sticker and I asked the sales girl for discount. I just couldn't believe the price she blurted out from her mouth. She said straigtaway, RM 6. I looked blankly at her for a few seconds with wide eyes before I said OK. Then I took two of them and paid RM 12 for two hairsprays. The hairsprays' brand is called Aromatic. I've seen a lot of hairstylist or not using them before and they said it's very strong and could keep ur hair for a day. Well, maybe someday I should try it. Below is a picture of the Aromatic hairsprays and my Gatsby Wax Spray (RM 15.90) so that you guys can make comparison to the size (and price).

Finally, after getting the hairsprays for such a reasonable price, me and Sora had to say goodbye to each other and go home on separate ways. Once I reached Seremban, I went up to Popular in Terminal 1 to loiter for a while. Guess what? I was searching around the Anime Section and I found something great. It's Detective Conan's Part 1 & 2 DVDs, all 1 to 51 episodes with just only RM 29.90. I was kinda devastated lately due to the low Streamyx connection. I couldn't watch anime online, and had to wait for like ages for a website to load, and I had some problem updating about this post too. So, I was thinking, What the Heck? Just buy it, and I bought it. The original price was RM 49.90, and I got it for only RM 29.90. Sounds like I'm a cheap shopper. Well, I am NOT. Haha. Below is a picture of Detective Conan DVD Box Set.
Phew... Finally, I've finish blurting out what I wanted to say. This is a really long post. Hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for reading. (^.^)
Whoa...What a trip !
Btw, my Optus connection here sucks as well, my fast is equal to your streamyx fast @@
i'm interested in the hairspray that u mention just now. i'm currently using Gatsby set and keep spray. does it grab better then Gatsby and cheaper plus more quantity? if it is, I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
the poster still there o~~~hahah~so happy anderson n other ppl didnt tk it down....OMG~~where u get da picture? i looked so fat in the picture lah.....well, art gallery is really a place which hv a lot of memory there...i'll sure missed SEGi la...i missed our life there in kl...i missed u guys i wished i could fly to malaysia now!!!!
Vincent, that hairspray brand is called Aromatic. Well, it can really set and keep the hair style in place for a day.
Gabe, I really miss you. Didn't see you for a year already. I took that photo from Fei Siong's handphone. Hehe. Ya, I was very happy when I see the poster there too.
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