I'm officially a student again because I'm taking my Degree in Mass Communication in University College Sedaya International and in short, it's called UCSI. It's located in Connaught, Cheras where you can see a very long pasar malam (night market) to be held there every Wednesday. My classes will commence by next Tuesday, 2nd of September 2008. Wish me luck.
I went for the orientation yesterday (Thursday) morning and the whole thing was pretty boring. I did not join their ice breaking game and just sat there looking around. I was not the only one, most of them did the same because it was a waste of time. Then like any other orientations, long speeches were given by the Dean and staffs, and instead of a 5 minutes break as they had written in the time table, some DIGI promoters took the time to promote some new packages that allow students to make call for free within the campus area. Some speech about safety were given and after that, another speech about rules and regulations were to be conducted, and luckily they have some technical problem with their microphones and I took that chance to walk out of the hall and all eyes were on me. I'd already know what they wanted to mention because it was all written in the Student Guidebook. I'd read all of them while waiting for the orientation to start. They were just repeating the notes in the book but briefly of course, but, still not very short briefs. After walking out of the hall, I called Kid (Wee Kuan) and we had lunch before going back to his place and take our afternoon nap. I slept at his place the night before and for two nights. Thanks a lot to Kid for keeping me, so that I wouldn't have to rush for the boring and meaningless orientation from Seremban. Thanks again and sorry if I had given you any troubles or inconvenience.
And of course, while staying at Kid's place, I did took some photos of his cute pet Chipmunks. they are very adorable. Below are the photos. Enjoy.

[Kid's Siu Ye (Master) and Siu Nai (Miss)]
[Curling up while they sleep... Cute...]

[ Close up of them sleeping...]

[From upper view... look like buns... Haha...]
On the first night of my stay, Kid's friend, Jacquelyn and her boyfriend brought us to supper and we had steamboat. Not really much of food but did really enjoy chatting with them and their dog, Belle is very cute too. Yup, they brought Belle along to supper. Both of them had to look after Belle because she barks whenever she saw stray dogs or cats and her voice was really loud. But apart of that, she is still cute. Too bad I didn't take any picture of the dog. Then the second night, that is the night after my orientation, another friend of Kid, Fye brought us to supper and it was around 2 or 3am. I had this Mixed Fruit Ice Sago and it was kinda huge. It was definitely yummy. Below are the photos.

Just look at the height of it with all the fruits around it. Yummy. It was delicious and not too sweet, just the way I like it. Kid and Fye had Mango Ice Sago, and of course theirs have only mago and nothing else. But still its very fulfilling. Just look at those slices of mango. Haha. I forgot what is the name of the restaurant but it opened at midnight for midnight workers and it's located somewhere near Shamelin Perkasa, Cheras.
Kid and me tried to cook on Thursday morning for breakfast before I go for orientation. I boiled rice and he reheated a pack of curry where he bought from 100 Yen shop the night before. Well, it doent really taste that good but at least we did not go to college on empty stomach and I could manage to survive from that dreadful orientation. Then, this evening, Kid brought me to a very nice western restaurant. It was called Golden Bridge. The food there are really exquisite and simply delicious. Especially my Bolognaise with Ham and Chicken in Cheddar Cheese. The spaghetti wasn't too sour and it blends in nicely with the taste of cheddar cheese. It's just a few doors away from 100 yen shop in Connaught. You guys should really go and try it out.
After the exquisite dinner, we went to look around again in 100 Yen shop because Kid wanted to buy some household appliances. Then, we went straight back to his place. The moment we open the door, we were amazed by the color of the sky and the color of the light the sun shone in through the kitchen window. It was orangy because the sun was about set. Kid wanted to take a photo of it so much and below is the result of the photo.

[Kid's idea of holding the rice cooker... =.=]
Well, I'm kinda speechless now. I really had some enjoyable times this week. Thanks to everyone. Till we meet again. Adios. ^^
1 comment:
Wuhooo, looks whose the student again? haha :P
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