It's been a week since I came back from Taman Negara trip for my Pop Culture assignment and I only decided to write about it now because it was quite a busy week for me with all sorts of assignments and mid-term exams. We had to interview some foreign backpackers and see what their cultures are like and I am very grateful to make it back home alive. Lets not waste anymore time and see what I've got.

[First day, we stopped at Jerantut for lunch and the food there are very yummy]

[Then, when we reached Taman Negara, we had to walk all around to look for our dorm or hostel]

[Finally, after a long walk, we finally made it to this dorm which costs us only RM 10 per person and per night]

[In it was 3 double decker beds and both our groups shared this room]

[After resting, we decided to eat at those restaurants located at the riverside and I took this picture while waiting for others to decide on where to eat. It's one of my favourite picture. Hehe.]

[After a long discussion and some camwhoring, we decided to take our dinner in this restaurant called Family Restaurant. After dinner, we went home, took our shower and rest.]

[The next day, we took the boat to the next side of the river to go further into Taman Negara because most of backpackers will be there]

[My group: Einstein, Yee Ling and me]

[Two groups together: Einstein, Kian Keat, Yee Ling, me, Diane, and Syeet Yeng]

[Jungle trekking and stopped to camwhore for a while. Haha.]

[Met some foreign backpackers and took some pictures with them]

[Our first interview]

[During the interview]

[Walking deeper into the jungle and it was really very tiring. Luckily we sprayed a very thick layer of mosquitoes repellent or else we would coming back here with swollen red dots all over our body. Hehe]

[Our 2nd interview with a pair of couple]

[3rd interview]

[Took a picture with them]

[4th interview]

[5th interview]

[After the interview, we immediately became friends and he is only 22 years old from France and his name is Mathias. He joined us for the canopy walk and later for lunch.]

[Both groups with Mathias]

[After waiting for 2 hours plus, it was our turn to go to the canopy walkway]

[Then, we finally made it back and took a boat back to the other side where we had started. Mathias joined us for lunch and also dinner that night. Everyone was extremely exhausted due to the long walk and all the waiting and interviewing, and we went back to take our shower and rest early that night.]

[The very last day, we took off and head to the same restaurant in Jerantut for lunch again and we were all very happy. The road was very bumpy]
I reached home and started to rush for a Written Discourse assignment which I had to hand up the next day and I of course managed to hand it up on time. Hehe.
This trip was not fun at all and there wasn't any entertainment and the whole street would turn dark by 8pm. The only fun thing I experienced there was chatting and playing poker with my friends. In my report, I will ceratinly include one sentence into my conclusion, that is "I will never ever in my life go to that place again".
Well, that's all for this post. Have to start doing some assignments as soon as possible and stop procrastinating as this is the 8th week. 6 more weeks and this semester ends. I really hope to end this semester as soon as possible. Got to go now. Tata. (^.^)
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