I'd finally finish one assignment that is doing a webpage using notepad and keying in html tags for Introduction to Internet Technology class. It was a group assignment, so I paired up with Ray, a very nice and cheerful guy who is also a senior of mine and we used a few days to get the webpage done. It wasn't easy as some of the tags are quite complicated and we sometimes couldn't get what we wanted. It was fun somehow and we could feel a great sense of satisfaction when we finish creating the webpage. You can see how our webpage looks like and how we did it at the pictures below.

Here is the link to the webpage that Ray and I have done:
After that, we were required to create a blog of our own to write a report for the webpage assignment. It's also for future usage to have all our reports and assignments for this subject to be in the blog. For more information about the webpage, you can click and have a view at the blog.
Here is the blog for the subject:
That's all from me for this moment. Need to have a lot of rest which I am obviously lacking recently due to all the thumping and drilling noise from the house next door. Yes, they are having renovation, and how I wish they could do it in a silently manner. It keeps disrupting my sleep and they started working when it wasn't even 9am yet. Can't they renovate when I am not around? Ish...
Alright, couldn't stand it anymore. Eyes are drooping. Tata.
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