On Friday (8 May 2009) afternoon, Vinx Lim officially launched his first EP and had a Press Conference in Circle Restaurant, Sunway Pyramid. A few great compsoser and producer from Malaysia was there too because they were helping in producing Vinx's EP. Lets look at the pictures...

[The great producer for Vinx's very first EP giving some comments]

[Vinx showing his appreciation by giving a friendly hug to the producer]

[Then, the director for Vinx's 'SunRise' Music Video was there to give a short speech as well]

[One of the judges from Project Superstar, Tang Xiao Kang was also there as he was one of the helping hands in the EP]

[He presented Vinx a bag from Lacoste and wished him to bring his hopes and dreams and also expectations with his bag to further his career to Taiwan because they had just receive the latest news that Taiwan is interested in bringing Vinx over]

[Vinx is an ambassador for a drink named Fresco, fresh coconut drink in cans]

[Representator from Fresco presenting a memento to Vinx]

[Lucky Draw time and Alex San trying to pick the lucky one]

[Someone from the press got the prize]

[Time for Vinx to perform his main theme song, Sun Rise. He really sang with emotions]

[Bowing as a word of appreciation]

[Vinx posing beside his banner]

[Vinx doing some interview]
When they were done, Vinx finally had the time to settle down and have his lunch. He did came to us and chit chatted a while. He is very friendly and not as shy as the first time we met him. This time he did crack some jokes and laughed along with us. We also got a free copy of his EP and he signed on back of the cover for us. How sweet of him. Then it was time for Danny and me to leave for another interview with another new local singer. Well, that was all for Vinx and I will update a new post about the new female local artiste soon. Chiaozzz. (^.^)
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