It's been a while since the last time I write something about myself. Mostly because taking pictures of artistes and press conferences were the only thing that interests me recently. Leo Club Induction was kinda fun too but I will write about it later as I don't have the pictures yet, and also did some dance performance recently as well. Other than those, my life is pretty boring especially my University life.
It is only the fourth week of this semester and I am already feel like dying. The subjects are all super extreme boring and some were even pointless. Study Skills especially is such a rip off for the subject doesn't make any sense and we paid RM 880 for them to teach us on how to study, managing our time and all those nonsense we learned when we were in primary school. As if we don't know those already and who would ever follow those kind of so-well-and-perfect-disciplined-routine in the first place? That must be a retarded one.
Written Discourse is somehow a time wasting, energy draining and money ripping subject as well. It doesn't make any sense and it's just like any other writing classes but this was more on analyzing the usage of language in writing with all kinds of not-so-understandable terms. Pretty dumb, boring and stupid, right?
For Popular Culture, at least I learned something not only about the subject, but also about the lecturer as well. I can't believe that he can be sooo freaking fake and he always made too many stories too impress us. We are not sure whether he was telling the truth or making things up whenever he tells us his travelling stories and experiences. It is always about him whenever he wanted to give us examples and I am getting really tired of it. I was also assigned into a group of 3 and we are required to go to Taman Negara, Pahang to do some backpacking and also to interview some foreign backpackers there to get to know more about their culture. It's interesting but I've heard some stories about the place and I don't feel like going already. Leeches crawling all over you and sucking blood out of you, have to beware of poisonous mosquitoes and scorpions and snakes, have to be cautious if there is any tiger(s) around you, and bring your safety amulet in case you bump into ghost(s). Scary right? Who would ever go to such secluded and dangerous place? Gosh... While some other groups get to go nice places like Perhentian Island, Malacca, Langkawi, and Cameron Highlands, it's just NOT FAIR. Argh...
As for Alternative Voices, I don't really know what to say because I had been absent for three times in a row due to some unchangeable circumstances. But I heard it's pretty boring too.
Intro to IT is somehow better than all the other subjects because at least I got to learn about the web and how webpages were made by typing html tags into notepad. But of course we only learn those very basic stuff. If we were to go deeper, I might really go crazy as this is totally not the choice of my profession and not in my field of interests.
The air conditioners in UCSI are all gone haywired. Everywhere I go is just too hot and stuffy especially in the classrooms. For God's Heaven sake, can't they repair them immediately? We just couldn't concentrate in the class (although I usually don't as they were super boring and we can just read them from books by ourselves), and we are always fanning ourselves with books or papers (energy consuming and tiring) and some even brought their electronic pocket fan or foldable paper fans. Still, we were sweating like pigs as the room were too full with students, thus, very stuffy. Lets hope this sweaty issue will be gone by tomorrow.
Phew... Complaints over and felt much better. Hope my life will spring back to life soon or I will really die from boredom. Scared that I might not make it back from Taman Negara as I might be swallowed by tiger or snake, or leeches sucking all of my blood, or got stung by poisonous scorpion... (O.o) Argh... I really don't feel like going.
Well, that's all from me. Got to go now.
Ps: Going clubbing this Saturday... WooHoo..!!!