When I mention Rain, that doesn't mean I am going to talk about the Korean artiste, Rain or his alternate name, Bi. I am going to bitch about the weather. It has been raining a lot lately, and most of the time, cats and dogs. That is what I hate the most. I don't get annoyed or frustrated if the rain is light and doesn't make so much noise, and we may feel peaceful and calm and as though it's cleansing this world with those holy water. But, NO. NO NO NO. The rain here is always heavy and when those water hits the roofs, it was so noisy and they are really getting on my nerves. As if I don't have enough frustrations already. Not only that, the growling thunders are very noisy and annoying as well. My mood were always affected by them because I couldn't concentrate on what I wanna do. I wanted to go for a movie with Juno that Wednesday, but the rain made it impossible. Last night, Kid and me were stucked at Pizza Hut after our dinner there because of the rain. For today, I had to take cup noodles for lunch as I was trapped in the house because of the rain AGAIN. The rain started not long after I finish my laundry and hung my clothes up to dry. SOOO F**king annoying, right?

All of these really made me to have no mood in doing anything, especially studying for my final exams. So I tried to load some movies to watch online, but, again, the F**king rain affected my connection. Ish... Since the connection was affected, and I had no mood to study, I was extremely bored and all of a sudden, I have the urge to draw. Come to think of it, I have not draw for decades. Hence, I took out my pencil and a piece of paper and started drawing. Here is the picture of my drawing. I did not go to any professional art academy or school to learn to draw, so, it might looked not so beautiful. Anyway, just try to bear with it.

[My drawing named Death]
When it rains, the weather gets cold and that makes me crave for something HOT and SPICY. Thus, this few days I consumed a lot of food which are very unhealthy, extremely high is carbohydrates, fats, calories and cholesterol, low in proteins and also some other beneficial nutrients. For examples, curry, fried rice, tom yam, and some fast foods. I guess I am gonna have Obesity soon. =.=
See!!! Now you guys know how rain can affect someone. If this keeps on going, I'll be having eating disorder, sleeping disorder, and then lead to stress and the most serious of all, depression which might lead to suicide.
After complaining, I do feel much better. So, I'm done with my craps. Hope you guys enjoy or continue to hate the rain. See ya. By the way, below is a picture of my Christmas Ad assignment. Enjoy...

[My UCSI Christmas Ad Design...]

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