This is me, the one and only Sean Aw. Wakaka.
Okay, skip to the next topic. We found a bird nest at a plant outside my house a few weeks ago but we didn't really bother. Then we suddenly thought of it this afternoon when we came back from breakfast and took a peek into it, and guess what, there are two little new born birdies in the nest. The mother flew away when we were walking in and out of the house, but it flew somewhere nearby to keep watching whether we'll harm her babies. I just took a picture of it, then we left. And we could hear her flying back to the nest.
The bird nest with 2 little birdies in it.
After the photoshoot I'd mention up there, my family and I went to Jusco and we took sushi in Sushi King for dinner. It was a replacement to celebrate Fathers Day because my dad wasn't here last week due to a Lions Club Installation Dinner at Bahau. Hence, we celebrate it this week and my dad ordered a Fathers Day Promotion Combo and it was really huge. The promotion ends today. It was actually for 3 person and we have 4, but we did order some other food. We were really stuffed. Sickening stuffed. After dinner, we went for a little shopping before going home. And that was why I start editing late and finish early in the morning. Haha. Whenever I pass by Secret Recipe, it reminds me of the mouldy chocolate cake.
Sushi King Father's Day Promotion.
Picture Courtesy of Sushi King.
I've spilled whatever I wanna spill. So, I'll go get my rest now. Tata and Good Night. (^.^)
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