Malacca, a very historical place in Malaysia had once again brought joy and laughter to me. I've been there every year since year 2005. I went there with a bus of college mates and lecturers for it was a trip organized by my previous college, MSC International College before changing their name to SEGi College. Then, in 2006, went there with Enson because we were too bored during a semester break. In 2007, I celebrate my birthday there with Charles and in year 2008, my family and me brought the two Japanese exchange students, Yumi and Ryota to visit the most historical state in Malaysia. And for this year, 2009, Simon brought me there to have fun.
On Saturday, 7th of February 2009, we took off from Seremban around 12.40pm, and reached Malacca around 2.15pm. We immediately checked in to the hotel because we were actually late and scared that the room Simon booked might be taken by someone else. But, we managed to check in and after putting down our bags and luggages, he brought me to have lunch in a place very near to Jonker street to have true and original Nyonya food. The place is called Donald and Lily's Corner. We ordered their well known Asam Laksa, Curry Chicken Rice, Taukua Rojak and also Cendol. The foods were served not long after we ordered and we were deeply indulged to the taste of their food. Everything there were so different than the Nyonya food I'd eaten before and even for someone who doesn't really likes spicy food like me have to agree that their food really made me crave for more. All of those cost us only RM 16. You guys should go and check them out.
[Donald and Lily's Corner of true Nyonya food]
[Interior of Donald and Lily's Corner]

[Taukua Rojak]

[Curry Chicken Rice]
[Asam Laksa]


[Me slurping on the iced cold cendol]

[Simon enjoying the scenery at a hut after lunch]
After lunch, we walked around Jonker street where they have a lot of old buildings, shops selling artistic paintings, souvenirs, antiques, and they also have restaurants, cafes, and pubs. This place can be considered as the most happening place in Malacca and certainly a must-visit place. While walking, I saw this very nice Japanese lamp in a very large gift shop and I bought it at once for RM 25.90. Next, I saw a stall with beautiful glasses and sunglasses and went to have a look. I tried so many of them and the guy who was working there introduced a lot of sunglasses to me, and I bought one for only RM 18 included a pouch and cloth. He was a very nice person with good manners and always with a smile on his face. Later, we went back to our hotel to take some rest before going to Jonker street again for their night market.

[Jonker Street]

[Me trying on a hat]

[looking for the right sun glass while Simon snapping a pic]

[Trying on a sun glass]

[The Japanese Lamp that I bought]

[The Right Sunglass for Sean Aw]
The night market was very crowded and we had a little bit of diificulties when we wanted to go to the stalls at the opposite street. Both of us drank a cup of bubble tea each and felt really full. We were having fun just by walking and looking around and we bought nothing but snacks to munch while walking. Oh... I did buy something, that is a wallet. A very thin and miraculous wallet. No matter how many notes you put in, it'll never get bulky. You just put your notes inside and close it, then turn it around and open, the notes were snapped into a very secure position by two bands. How miraculous is that? But the only disadvantage is that you cant put coins in it. But I bought it anyway because I found it quite wonderful. Simon bought one too. That costs us RM 10 each.

[Jonker Street at night]

[The night market]

[The thin and miraculous wallet]

[Inside of the wallet]
After walking the whole thing, from the beginning of the street to the very end, we walked back to Simon's car and he actually wanted to bring to a restaurant nearby a beach to have our dinner, but the place was replaced by some other restaurant and we decided to have satay celup. Instead of going to the very famous satay celup restaurant, Capitol, he took me to another restaurant which is as famous as the latter because we would have to que for very long if we go to Capitol. The name of that restaurant is Ban Lee Siang. They have the food ready for you and you don't have to take yourself like in Capitol. But honestly, I still prefer Capitol because their sauce is thicker and not so waterish. This is not a very bad one either. We did enjoy every moment devouring those satays dipped in the hot spicy peanut sauce. We felt really full after that and I couldn't even sit properly. We rest a while before paying the bill (RM 22) and leave. It was already around 1.30am when we leave Ban Lee Siang and there were still people going in. We were kinda impressed by that. Off we go from the restaurant back to our hotel and took our bath before we sleep.

[Ban Lee Siang Restaurant]

[Satays with the hot boiling gravy]

[The restaurant was full with people]

[Simon enjoying his kangkung celup]

[Me with the satay sticks]
The next day, Sunday, 8th of February 2009, we woke up around 11am, get prepared, packed our stuff, and checked out from the hotel. Again, we went back to Jonker street for the very famous Woh Kei Hainan Chicken Rice Ball. When we reached there, we saw a very long que outside Woh Kei, but we had no choice but to line up just to get a bite of their chicken rice. It wasn't long until our turn. We ordered 20 rice balls with chicken, a plate of vegetable and asam fish. There weren't any words to describe the tastiness of their food. The rice balls were very delicious and of course they wouldn't be complete without the chickens. Their chickens were so smooth and very good to chew on and make you crave for more. The asam fish was just perfect with those ladies fingers served together. Veges were soft and juicy. Their food were all really fresh and yummy. The fish was just too big for both of us but we forced ourself to finish the whole thing because we didn't want to waste food. On this very hot and sunny day, and after eating something spicy, all we needed was a fresh and refreshing coconut juice. We ordered one each and felt so refreshing although we were kinda full to the throat. It was another satisfying meal for only RM 46.

[Woh Kei Hainan Chicken Rice Balls]

[The long que]

[Interior of Woh Kei]

[Full with people]

[Rice balls]

[Smooth, chewy and juicy chicken]


[Hot and spicy Asam fish]

[Cooling and Refreshing Coconut]

[Still very long que when we left]
Dataran Pahlawan is now the largest mall in Malacca and was built 2 years ago, but, it's fully opened now. We went there after lunch to loiter around. It was really hard to find for a parking space but we found it after going around and around for half an hour. There, I bought a box of Renoma Contour briefs from The Under Shop. The design was quite common but I like it because of the fabric. Then, we were just walking aimlessly in the mall after buying my underwear. All the walking made us felt tired and thirsty, so, we decided to go to Starbucks and ordered something to quench our thirst and to rest our feets. We were in there for quite some time and when we finished our drinks, we left to Mahkota Parade which is just opposite of Dataran Pahlawan. I saw this toiletries bag in Watson which I had been searching for quite some time, and bought it. Next, we came back to Seremban. Poor Simon for doing all the driving while I was sleeping sweetly in the car.

[My Renoma Contour briefs]

[Toiletries bag by Watson's]

[Reading newspaper in Starbucks]
In Seremban, Simon brought me to a restaurant called Penang Street to have dinner. It was located just behind the 24 Hours Drive Thru Mc Donalds in Senawang. Simon ordered for fried Siam Mee and I ordered for Wok Fried Prawn Mee. I haven't tried any Fried Prawn Mee before this because I didn't know there is such thing and it was quite good. Simon's Siam Mee was not bad either, I didn't know Seremban have such a nice Penang themed restaurant at all. This meal costs us RM 21 plus. After the fulfilling dinner, he sent me back home before he went home.

[Penang Street Restaurant]

[Simon's Fried Mee Siam]

[My Wok Fried Prawn Mee]

[Me dissecting the prawn. Hehe.]
Although the trip was just two days, but I really enjoyed every moment of it. I had so much fun and experienced something that I had never experience before. But I'm sure all the eating will surely make me fat. Oh dear. Guess I should really start jogging by tomorrow and keep on hitting the gym. Alrite. That's all from me. Happy Thaipussam.