I could hear my hand phone buzzing with the alarm tone 'Me Against The Music [Rishi Rich's Desi Kulcha Mix]' straight at 10am on Thursday (30th of October 2008) morning. Just like any other days, I hit the snooze button and slept for another 15 more minutes before getting myself prepared. Was so excited to go out with Pauline and Jeffrey to Mid Valley and we said to be there by 2pm the night before. I had to go for a haircut before going to Mid Valley because my hair was kinda fluffy and totally hideous. It's the same style, with just a little bit of trimming so that I look neat, tidy, and clean. After having my hair trimmed, I went to the train station and waited for the train, and as usual, the train was late. Therefore, I was late and I reached Mid Valley around 2.15pm, as Seremban to Mid Valley takes about 1 hour and 15 or 20 minutes. Oh... and also RM 5.90. Hehe.
Once I was there, I called Jeffrey to ask for their whereabouts, and when I got to find them, we were sooo freaking hungry and we immediately think of going to lunch. And here the problem arised. We had no idea where to have our lunch, thus we looked in the directory board and see if there are anything that we all agree on. When we finally made the decision, Kim Gary that is, but when we got there, the place was so packed and crowded with people. So, we changed our mind and had to think on where to go again and I suggested ZEN. All three of us ordered the same set lunch, Spaghetti Bolognaise with a glass of Ice Lemon Tea and it was very satisfying and fulfilling. Pauline and Jeffrey's conversations are always very amusing and they certainly made me laugh a lot.
After lunch (and gossiping), we moved on to our next plan, MOVIE. Yeah... I finally got to watch High School Musical 3 (HSM 3), and poor Jeffrey because he was watching it for the third time, but he looked more excited than both Pauline and me. Haha. He even sang along to all the songs in the movie. I would do the same if I know the lyrics. Haha. It was much better than the last episode for the story line. This time, they have better choreography and lots of songs that are danceable. My urge to dance emerged right after watching the movie. Haha. But the first thing we looked for after coming out from there is toilet because we drank a whole cup of soft drink. After emptying our bladder, we walked around, then we went to The Gardens and walked around as well.
We finally felt hungry after all the walking, and again, we had problem for not knowing anywhere to eat. We looked for the directory board again, and we made our decision to go to Little Penang Cafe. Pauline and Jeffrey ordered Nasi Lemak with Curry Hantu, and we have no idea why they named it Hantu (Ghost). And for me, I ordered Lam Mee. It was very delicious and well worth it. I didn't expect it was that special and nice at first because most restaurant don't give a damn on their foods' taste and quality and all they want is just MONEY or their food are WWWAAAYYY too ordinary. But this one is really an eye opener. I'm sooo not exaggerating.
Dinner's over and it was time for us to say goodbye, although we were taking the same train (it was late... AGAIN), but we get down at different station and I was the last to get down since Seremban is the last stop. It took me 1 hour and 20 minutes (and RM 5.90). It was already 11.40 pm when I reached home. When I wanted to take my shower, I saw myself in the mirror and the urge to camwhore arised. I played around with my hair and experimented with it to see if I could set a different style. Haha. Below are some pieces of me with a different style that I managed to come up with. It could looked the same for some of you. Hehe.
[I like this the most... hehe...]
[My eyes looked weird in this pic...]
[From the top...]
[My second favourite pic...]
Friday (31st October 2008), I woke up super late again, brushed my teeth and washed my face. And the first thing I do wasn't looking for food but to turn on the TV. It was time for one of my favourite cartoons, TOM & JERRY. Haha. No one is too old for cartoons, OK? And they are much better than the newly created or current cartoons which have no sense at all, not funny, bad influence for kids, badly drawn, not cute at all, and very stupid storylines. Spent a few hours sitting, err... lying in front of the TV, online, chit chatted a while, take my dinner and started to watch a new Hong Kong drama, The Gem of Life.
Around 11.30pm, Kah Wai called me and said wanna go for a drink, and he said that I don't have to dress up nicely (because that will take a lot of time for me to prepare), and so, I just wore a t-shirt, short pants, and sandals. When he reached my place, I saw Adonis and Paige (a friend of them whom I met for the first time) in the back seat. When I got into the car, they said wanna go to Trilogy (a clubbing place) to just wish Paige's friend a happy birthday, and we could go. But her friends insisted us to go in (because I was waiting outside) and I immediately asked Kah Wai to send me home to change at least to a pair of jeans or shoes. Luckily the place was not far from my house and we could get back there in just a few minutes. And I didn't style my hair for the first time to go clubbing. We thought of going early but we kinda had fun and stayed there longer than we thought. Haha. They were celebrating Halloween and having a contest on who look more frightening in their costumes organized by Carlsberg. We were just dancing our hearts out in there and didn't really care bout anything else. We did camwhore a bit. Hehe. And I drank only a few sips of Carlsberg because I am not a very good drinker. The most I can go is just a half bottle and not more than that. I've said enough and here come the photos.

[Inside of Trilogy. I like those red dim lights. Hehe]

[The Ghost Bartender... Spooky. Wanted to take pic with him but no chance]
[Kah Wai trying to look like Hip Hoppers... haha...]

[Hmm... Should I drink this?]
[Is he trying to be drunk or sexy?]
[You want the one in Black or White or the Green?]
[Kah Wai, Adonis, Paige and me...]
[OMFG!!! A Ghost is beside me!!! HELP!!!]
Wow... I've write quite a long post this time. Haha. My parents are going to Penang for a relative's wedding and guess what they bought for the relatives. The answer is...
[And 150 pieces of them... ard 50 boxes if one box contains 10 pieces (@.@)]
[OMG..!!! Look how tasty and delicious they look... ]
[Not only Siew pao, but Kaya Puffs as well]
Oh dear... How good if all those are for me. But I don't like Kaya, so, they can take those Kaya Puffs. Haha. What if all of those Siew Pao are for me? I will most likely...
1.) have phobia towards Siew Pao in the future and throw up the instance I smell or see them
2.) get diabetes and admitted to the hospital and have my arms or legs dislodged
3.) becoming FAT Seanny and everyone will be so shocked to see me when the new semester starts
4.) get heart attack due to the blockage of my heart arteries by fat
5.) have breathing difficulties and sleep apnea... and so on...
Hmm... Guess I should just take them once in a blue moon and in moderate amount. I still wanna live and don't want to die so early. Not before I realize my dreams. Hehe. Alright, it's already 7am now and I am going off to bed. Wow... I actually used 3 hours writing this post. Really got to go now. Toodles (quote from Ashley Tisdale's character, Sharpay in HSM 3).